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Should Seniors Use CBD?

As CBD products become more commonplace in all areas of our country—and while the focus on improving and protecting health as the COVID-19 pandemic continues on grows ever more urgent—there is a great amount of interest in the effects of CBD on senior citizens’ health. After all, CBD delivers all of the benefits of marijuana, but without getting a user “high.” This can be quite welcoming to seniors who want to realize the perks associated with CBD, but who do not want to impair their judgment or motor function. 


Improving Seniors’ Quality of Life 

Firstly, CBD could help seniors mitigate use or significantly reduce their need to take prescription drugs or painkillers that could be potentially addictive or harmful in the long term. Furthermore, CBD may help treat some age-related diseases.  

In this article, we have compiled a few reasons why senior citizens may want to learn more about incorporating CBD products into their health and wellness routine. 

  • CBD can promote bone health. Some studies show that because of its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD could be useful in supporting and maintaining bones and preventing bone fragility, which can lead to fractures and sprains. 
  • CBD could fight free radicals, boost energy, and enhance cell life. Because CBD is an antioxidant, seniors who use these products could curb the presence of free radicals and promote a sense of ease, calm, and balance. Studies show that CBD even has stronger antioxidant properties than Vitamins E and C. 
  • CBD helps balance the sleep/wake cycle. As one ages, it can become more difficult to achieve periods of sustained, deep sleep. However, a healthy sleep process is key to brain regeneration, and health and sleep quality is important in the prevention of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and glaucoma. Because of this, elderly individuals are often prescribed sleeping pills, which can be addictive and dangerous. As such, CBD could provide an alternative as these products can regulate the sleep/wake cycle and promote the production and regulation of melatonin, a natural hormone that ensures a balanced circadian rhythm. 
  • CBD could stimulate one’s appetite. Another issue regularly experienced by seniors is loss of appetite, which can lead to problems with energy, weight loss, mental issues, and malnutrition. CBD can stimulate the appetite, help with digestive processes, and allow a user better absorb key nutrients from food. 
  • CBD can fend off depression and anxiety. Let’s face it, getting old can be hard and may lead to a person experiencing sadness and depression over lost loved ones, changes in mobility, and missing family, friends, or past traditions. However, CBD is a proven mood booster and can offer antidepressant and antianxiety effects to a user, allowing one to better manage emotions, mood, and mental outlook. 

There are myriad benefits to implementing CBD in a senior citizen’s health and wellness regimen. However, the team at Asé Pure Naturals also encourages you to speak with your doctor before trying a CBD product or replacing a needed medication or prescription with a CBD tincture, edible, or other product. Of course, it is also important to do thorough research and make sure any CBD product you are purchasing is of the highest quality, organic, made through responsible and sustainable farming and manufacturing processes, and totally pure. 

Here at Asé Pure Naturals, we provide our customers, including senior citizens, with the best possible hemp-derived CBD products that are 100% natural, gluten-free, cruelty-free, vegan, and non-GMO. Plus, all of our hemp is grown and manufactured in the United States and we are a member in good standing of the Hemp Industries Association. We would love to help you identify the best CBD products to help you age gracefully and in a healthy way. Reach out to us today. 


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