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The Business Behind the Brand: Our Endurance, Values, and Commitment to Community

In the competitive world of business, where choices are abundant, today’s discerning professionals seek more than just a logo. They yearn for businesses with a purpose, a mission, and a human face. They want to know the individuals steering the ship, understand their values, and witness how their investments contribute to a better world. In this post, we invite you to step into our world and discover what makes us more than just a business.

Beyond the Logo: Unveiling Our Purpose Our logo may be the face of our brand, but it’s our personal and collective purpose that defines us. We are not merely a company; we are endurance athletes, parents, and individuals who thrive on pushing personal limits and embracing growth. Our founder, Heather Jacoby, embodies the essence of the American dream, a testament to the choices we can make despite our past.

Born into a life raised by a mother addicted to drugs, Heather’s early years were marked by adversity. She faced homelessness and spent time in shelters. But Heather’s story is not one of victimhood; it’s a story of triumph. She teaches us that the freedoms of becoming an entrepreneur and the American dream are alive and well. Despite where we come from, we have personal choices we can make. Heather chose to be a victor, not a victim, and she inspires us to know that we all have a past, and we too can choose success.

Heather’s Journey to Natural Wellness Heather’s journey to founding Asé Pure Naturals was born out of her passion for endurance sports and her unwavering commitment to natural, safe, and effective products. As an athlete, Heather knows the importance of what goes into her body. She doesn’t believe in using medication or toxins to enhance her performance; instead, she seeks only the best for her body.

Heather, as a health and wellness expert, firmly believes in the power of natural remedies and the importance of avoiding toxic chemicals. Through her own rigorous training and athletic pursuits, she was constantly on the lookout for products she could trust to support her journey without compromising her commitment to pure and natural ingredients.

The Birth of Asé: Pure, Natural, and Effective Unable to find products that aligned with her values and met her standards, Heather decided to take matters into her own hands. She embarked on a mission to create a line of natural wellness and recovery products that athletes like herself could rely on. This journey led to the birth of Asé Pure Naturals, where every product is a testament to Heather’s dedication to pure, safe, and effective ingredients.

Heather’s vision was clear: to provide athletes and health-conscious individuals with the best possible solutions for their well-being. At Asé Pure Naturals, we prioritize quality over shortcuts, and purity over toxins. Heather’s commitment to excellence shines through in every product we offer, making them the ideal choice for those who demand nothing but the best for their bodies.

Heather’s story is not just about personal success; it’s about sharing her passion for natural wellness and inspiring others to make informed choices about what they put in their bodies. As the driving force behind our brand, Heather continues to embody the values of integrity, innovation, and community impact that define us.

Our Values, Our Commitment In the realm of business, values are our North Star. Our values are not just words on a wall; they are the bedrock of our identity. They define who we are, how we work, and the kind of community we strive to create. When you choose to do business with us, you are aligning with values that prioritize integrity, innovation, sustainability, and community impact.

Our Core Values:

  • 🌟 Positively Impacting the World: We strive to positively impact the world around us.
  • 🌟 Leaving Every Place Better: Our goal is to leave every place better than we found it.
  • 🌟 Integrity Always: We firmly believe in doing the right thing, no matter what.
  • 🌟 Better Together: We’re a team, because we know we’re better together.
  • 🌟 Embracing Growth: We embrace being beginners, constantly learning and growing.
  • 🌟 Winning Every Day: Every day, our focus is on winning the day.
  • 🌟 Taking Initiative: We take initiative, because we know that’s how change happens.

Focusing on Health and Wellness At Asé Pure Naturals, we’re more than just a company – we’re a community with a shared mission that goes beyond fitness. Our journey is about community, growth, and inspiring positive change in the world.

We believe in holistic well-being, encompassing mental, physical, and spiritual health. While we provide recovery products for athletes, we see our mission as far bigger. We aim to offer jobs and a place to work that is uplifting, inspiring, and challenging in a way that helps us grow to be better.

Mitchell Cotthoff: A Journey of Triumph But our story doesn’t end with Heather. Meet our Chief Marketing Officer, Mitchell Cotthoff, who brings a personal journey of transformation to our team. Mitchell’s story is filled with highs and lows, unexpected twists, and relentless determination. From battling alcoholism to becoming an Ironman triathlete and now Chief Marketing Officer at Asé Pure Naturals, his journey is a testament to the incredible power of perseverance.

Mitchell has over 12 years of experience in the field of digital marketing, where he’s honed his expertise in building brand presence and engaging with audiences in the digital realm. Prior to his digital marketing career, Mitchell worked as a medical sales representative, bringing a unique blend of medical knowledge and product education to our team.

From battling personal demons to achieving remarkable physical feats, Mitchell’s journey is a reminder that no matter how challenging life becomes, when you show up for yourself and never quit, life has a way of rewarding you in ways you never imagined.

A Commitment to Community At our core, we are a company that values community and support. We understand that business is not just about transactions; it’s about building relationships and fostering a sense of belonging. We are dedicated to supporting and uplifting the communities we serve. Through our actions, we aim to leave the world better than we found it.

Community Engagement: Making a Difference Together Our commitment to community runs deep. We firmly believe in giving back and contributing positively to the world around us. Beyond just being a business, we are dedicated to being active participants in the communities we serve.

Quarterly Volunteer Initiatives One of the ways we engage with our local communities is through our quarterly commitment to volunteer work. As a team, we come together to offer hands-on assistance to various causes that are close to our hearts. Each quarter, we choose different organizations and initiatives to support, ensuring a diverse and impactful range of contributions.

These volunteer opportunities have taken us to places such as homeless shelters, halfway houses for individuals transitioning from addiction, special needs athletic events, and running and athletic events aimed at promoting mental health awareness. We believe in being present and hands-on, working side by side with those who can benefit from our support.

Local Sponsorships and National Donations In our home base of Charlotte, we actively sponsor and support numerous local initiatives, making a positive impact on our immediate community. However, our commitment to making the world better extends far beyond our city limits. Nationally, we identify and contribute to missions and causes that resonate with our values and beliefs.

Currently, we are passionately supporting a cause related to cancer awareness and fundraising. We are assisting a dedicated runner who is embarking on an incredible journey of running for 100 days, all in the name of raising funds and awareness for this critical cause. Our involvement goes beyond monetary donations; we are also providing hands-on help and donating our products to fundraisers and special events. This multifaceted approach reflects our determination to make a meaningful impact on the world.

At Asé Pure Naturals, we are not just about fitness and recovery products; we are about making our world better, one community, one cause, and one person at a time. We believe in the power of collective action and the difference we can make when we come together with purpose and compassion.

Join Us in Making a Difference We invite you to join us in making a difference, whether as a customer or collaborator. Get to know who we are, what we stand for, and how we can work together to create meaningful, impactful outcomes. In a world where business is more than just transactions, we offer you a partnership grounded in purpose, driven by values, and led by individuals who are committed to making a difference. Together, we can create a thriving community and a better world.

Thank you for considering us as your partner on this journey. We look forward to connecting with you and building a future filled with purpose, growth, and shared success.

Keep Going Strong,

Heather Jacoby, Founder, Asé Pure Naturals

Mitchell Cotthoff, Chief Marketing Officer, Asé Pure Naturals

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