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Can CBD Help You Beat Anxiety?

Ase Puré Naturals with a tough conversation about your anxiety.

If you suffer from anxiety or stress-related emotional discomfort you know that each day can be a struggle. Feeling calm seems impossible. Sleep seems impossible. Sitting still – another struggle. Who could blame you for looking for some type of way to feel better? 

If you’re looking at natural solutions to help you with daily stressors, then, CBD may be of help. (Today, we’ll talk about how. We’ll also talk about why CBD is NOT an anxiety treatment.)


Key Points

  • What is anxiety? How do you know you have it?
  • How to beat anxiety? Can you beat anxiety?
  • Learning to cope – healthy coping mechanisms
  • What CBD does 


CBD and Anxiety – Why the Conversation Is Complicated

Anxiety is a medical condition. Your mental health professional or your doctor conducts a diagnostic screening, which may consist of a battery of questions to determine if you meet the parameters for certain diagnoses, and then your doctor prescribes treatment.

To begin, let’s be abundantly clear here on several points. 

  1. CBD is not an FDA approved treatment for anxiety or other mental health conditions.
  2. To make a claim even remotely close to that is a violation of federal law (so, if you read where a CBD company is saying that their CBD products treat anxiety – then go ahead and “X” out that browser tab.)
  3. CBD is a health and wellness support – NOT a treatment for any disease or medical condition.

Are we clear on this? If so…let’s talk about what’s keeping you pacing the floor.


What Is Anxiety? Does CBD Help with Anxiety?

Let’s tackle a few burning questions:


Anxiety definition: “Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of worry. They may also have physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, dizziness or a rapid heartbeat. Adapted from the Encyclopedia of Psychology” – Source

Diagnosis:  Must be made via medical evaluation from a licensed doctor or mental health professional. There are multiple varieties of anxiety disorders and all must be medically diagnosed as well as doctor-recommended courses of treatment.


Is CBD an anxiety treatment?: No. CBD is NOT federally approved by the FDA as a treatment for anxiety or other mental health disorders or illnesses.

(Though, the scientific community knows something is up with cannabinoids and are researching various potential applications.)


Why, then, do people use CBD for anxiety?  Because users of CBD report that they feel more calm. This leads to people “trying it out” for relief and other purposes. 


Can You “Beat Anxiety?”

Anxiety disorders are very manageable as well as are highly treatable with the appropriate mental awareness, coping techniques, such as exercise, meditation and proper health care. Your doctor can help you design a plan for coping, managing, and easing your anxiety symptoms.

We speak briefly on this to explain – but we one-billion-percent defer to your medical doctor, medical professionals, and mental health care professionals on this. We, as you already know, are a CBD company. And treating your medical conditions or symptoms is NOT what we do…

…so, what do we do?


What Is CBD For?

CBD is for health and wellness applications and provides general support for bodily systems. CBD is one of the cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa hemp plant. The theory is based on two trains of thought (which we hope get more and more attention in scientific study):

  1. The body produces its own natural endocannabinoids that help the bodily systems work more efficiently.
  2. Phytocannabinoids from the hemp plant are used to support this activity.

The idea is that for some people, they may be producing too little of these endocannabinoids, and that taking CBD oil can help to provide a natural plant derivative that mimics the body’s own natural ones. The results are a little varied from person to person but many people attest to certain experiences from taking CBD oil products: more calm, better sleep, and general “feeling better” both mentally and cognitively. Scientific studies are thin but we are hopeful for this to expand.


What CBD Does:

  • Has made many people feel a greater sense of calm. Therefore, CBD enthusiasts use CBD for stress relief.
  • Helps to support a healthy natural sleep cycle which has a myriad of health and wellness benefits.

While we suspect and anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD does more for us than this, we refrain from making any claims until the scientific studies and the FDA approve those claims. 


If You Want to Try CBD for Anxiety:

Ask your doctor if they think it will help you. (There’s a wide variety of opinions in the medical community about cannabis derivatives and their therapeutic use.) Discuss any of your mental health concerns with your medical professionals. CBD is not an authorized treatment for any medical condition.


If You Want to Try CBD for Health and Wellness:

Choose between broad spectrum CBD options or full spectrum CBD options, each with a little different benefits. The biggest difference between the two is how THC is managed in the extraction and formulation for the CBD oil product. The ones that deliberately include THC in the formulation are labeled as full spectrum.

Some users prefer having the THC, citing that it helps them more with calmness and with sleep (perhaps due to a higher entourage effect), but this varies for users. For users that prefer not to have THC or who may be more sensitive to THC, they can use the broad spectrum CBD oil options which still give you the CBD benefits.

Note: CBD Oil products are mandated to have LESS that .3% THC by law. 


CBD extract Options

CBD oil can be taken by tincture or capsule, whichever you prefer. You may even find that one works better for you during the day and a different one at night. For best results, take it regularly, (usually twice daily, morning and night), and at consistent amounts.


Broad Spectrum Tinctures – 900 mg (NO THC) Tincture drops for easy, adjustable measuring.

Full Spectrum Tinctures – 900 mg (0.3 % THC) Tincture drops for easy, adjustable measuring.

Full Spectrum Capsules – 900 mg (0.3 % THC) Capsules deliver consistent amounts with no measuring necessary.


If You Want to Try CBD for Sleep

Any of the above CBD oil products can help you feel more calm and get some zzz’s. We recommend a combo-deal so you can determine which CBD products work better for your sleep.


Mix n Match CBD Bundle – CBD Oil 3-pack bundle with broad spectrum and full spectrum options. 

So, Can CBD Help You Beat Anxiety? 

 Relief, for you, may be a multi-faceted approach. This may include medical care, therapy, meditative practices, working out, deep breathing exercise, or, yes – even taking CBD. What matters is that you find the path to feeling better and living a more rewarding life. 


We’d love to be a part of your support system: follow our blog or join us on social media.


About Asè Pure Naturals CBD Products

Made with organic peppermint, organic Monk Fruit for the best-tasting CBD oil experience. Always 100% natural, non-GMO, gluten-free, Vegan (except for the capsules which contain bovine gelatin capsules), cruelty-free and made with organic ingredients.


Free from toxic additives, heavy metals, microbials, mycotoxins, mold, and residual solvents.

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The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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