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CBD Benefits to Kick Off 2022 Wellness Goals

Asé Pure Naturals shares the secret to crossing the finish line on all your goals – support starts here!

New Year is the best time of the year to write down those health and wellness goals and get started on creating your best life. But, did you know that CBD benefits can help you to reach those goals? CBD health benefits are one of the main reasons why one in seven adults in the US have either tried CBD products or take it on a regular basis. 


Whether this year you are focused on mental health goals, fitness goals, or general wellness goals, CBD can help!

Key Points

  • New Year fitness goals and how CBD can help
  • 2022 mental health goals and CBD for support
  • Wellness goals to kick off 2022 – with CBD as your secret power

Let’s do this together!

CBD and Your New Year’s Fitness Goals

Brad Zomick of GoSkills reports this as the top 10 of New Year’s resolutions that people make. Pay attention to how many of these are about health and fitness:

  • Exercise more
  • Lose weight
  • Get organized
  • Learn a new skill or hobby 
  • Live life to the fullest
  • Save more money / spend less money
  • Quit smoking
  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Travel more
  • Read more

Generally speaking, people want to shed old habits, get more fit, and become more active participants in their lives. From traveling to spending time with family and friends, when you don’t feel well or you are struggling to catch your breath going up the stairs, you just avoid your own life. 

It’s a wild circle: feel bad – isolate – feel worse – repeat.

For many people working hard to achieve fitness goals, CBD has become a helpful partner for achieving those objectives. This is because the CBD health benefits work as a strong support system as you work to get in more hours at the gym, get better sleep to boost the healing systems in your body, and keep a more stable sense of calm so stress does not derail all your efforts.

Full spectrum CBD options work well for fitness goals as the THC included in the formulations helps you to achieve the entourage effect from CBD products. This supported homeostasis within your body helps many of your bodily systems to work more efficiently, and you can charge forward into your own fitness goals with confidence and more comfort. 

Also, the CBD roll on gel is the perfect addition to your gym bag for those sore muscle moments that might hold you back otherwise.


CBD Benefits and New Years Mental Health Goals

Many people also make mental health goals for the new year. This may include a higher priority for self-care. It may mean you finally work to manage the stress in your life or decide to take more time off throughout the year to enjoy activities that keep you mentally strong.

CBD has a unique effect on your mental health. By boosting your mood, supporting your sleep, and helping you to feel a greater sense of calm, CBD can help you to get your mental health into the forefront of your daily to-do list.

Either full spectrum CBD products or broad spectrum CBD products can help you with these goals. If you need more help in the “calm” department, you may want to try the full spectrum, but if more generalized support is what you are after, then go with the broad spectrum selections.

Begin with a CBD tincture or CBD softgels, taken twice daily on a regular basis (and amount) and then after a month or so you can add in more CBD products as needed or raise your daily amounts, if needed, to get you to the perfect routine that brings more calm and wellness into your life.


CBD for Your General Wellness Goals

Many people seek CBD help for more general purposes. It’s hard to explain the effect CBD can have in your life on an overall basis, but clearly, by its popularity alone, CBD products can make a big difference in your life. Many people report that they simply “feel better” which is hard to encapsulate into a clear understanding of just what CBD does for your body, mind, and overall quality of life.

Because so many Americans spend their lives on the go, working hard, oftentimes not getting enough sleep or enough time to enjoy their lives, CBD has become quite popular to help bring balance where lives feel out of sorts. Bringing a sense of calm, more achievable homeostasis within the bodily systems, and creating a healthier sleep environment are all worthy reasons to seek the help of CBD products.

Begin with CBD tinctures or CBD softgels, taken twice daily on a regular basis (and amount). Try the broad spectrum CBD options for a good general wellness plan. If after a month or so you are not feeling the CBD is helping enough you can either switch to the full spectrum options or you can raise the amounts you take by a few drops each week until you get to the amounts that are most helpful to you. 

Remember, though we all have similar biology, an endocannabinoid system which processes CBD and other phytocannabinoids from the hemp plant, we all do respond a little differently to CBD. Give it some time to get the amounts correct for your own body and needs.


Choosing the Best CBD for Your New Year

Here’s why choosing Asé Pure Naturals can kick off your 2022 with the peace of mind of choosing the best for your body:

  • High Purity & High Standards – We’ve developed a working relationship with US organic hemp farmers to provide only the very best hemp for our formulations. We believe this is the core of great CBD products you can count on to deliver wellness that feels good using. We take the worry out of choosing the best CBD by only providing the best CBD products. We do not compromise on our purity standards, sustainability, and extraction standards – and neither should you when choosing a CBD provider.
  • Exceptional Process – Speaking of extraction standards, how you extract cannabinoids and terpenes from the Cannabis sativa plant is just as important as choosing only the best plants. We use the CO2 Hemp Extraction method because it is considered the safest and most environmentally friendly way to source CBD and other hemp components. You can read a little more about how this is done on our About page. We prioritize environmental ethics – and by choosing Asé Pure Naturals for your CBD source, you can too.
  • Stellar Testing Consistency – Two things are important when it comes to product testing: objectivity and transparency. We use peer testing and third-party testing labs to ensure consistency, potency, and other key metrics in our products. Each batch is thoroughly tested and we are open to any questions you may have about our products. This transparency is our guarantee to you that we always work to provide the best CBD products for you: free from pesticides, heavy metals, microbials, molds, residual solvents, and mycotoxins. We keep our standards high – and so should you.

Tips to Reach Your Goals

Changing a behavior or starting a new one is hard. Adi Jaffe Ph.D. from Psychology Today reports that when we behave in a way for a period of time, our minds and also our bodies develop a sort of memory bank for those activities and impulses, making it especially hard to change the behavior. It’s all psychology and neuroscience and if you are struggling to make a change – it’s not completely your fault. So, step one should be to give yourself a little credit for the efforts you are making.


Let your CBD help with the calm part of things, while you work on the new learning. Three types of learning affect your success:

Classical Conditioning

Definition: Also called Pavlovian conditioning, this type of learning basically means that we learn to associate two stimuli.

How to apply: When you take your morning CBD, also begin with a positive mantra to help your mind learn that positivity, taking your CBD, and starting your day on a good note can help you to reach your goals. Write down your goals and post them in the area where you begin your day. Writing things down can help you stay more accountable.


Operant Conditioning

Definition: American Psychologist B.F. Skinner developed the research that proved we learn by the power of positive reinforcement.

How to apply: Along with positive mantras to get you inspired to work hard at achieving your goals, also consider rewarding yourself with more positive reinforcement. For example, when you complete your morning run, reward yourself with a rejuvenating shower or a 10-minute relaxing reading session or a cup of soothing tea. Remind yourself that this pampering moment is brought to you by the reward of your own hard work.


Observational Conditioning

Definition: American psychologist Albert Bandura proposes that we learn by observing.

How to apply: Find a mentor who models the behavior you want to achieve. For example, our founder, Heather Jacoby, uses the power of CBD to help her complete huge fitness goals like ultra marathons. Find someone like Heather who inspires you to press harder, do better, and cross your own finish lines with confidence.

We’re Here to Support All Your Resolutions

Let’s start 2022 with a new promise to ourselves:

This year, I will work on my fitness goals, my wellness goals, my mental health goals – all with renewed commitment to living my best life.


Thank you for choosing Asé Pure Naturals to help you on your wellness journey. We are here to support you!


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The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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