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This Delicious CBD Tea Is the Perfect Morning Boost

Jump start your morning with a minty CBD tea


What goes great in your morning tea? Mint. And the soothing calm of CBD tincture. And mint. Did I mention mint? We think the flavor of CBD tincture is important because your life should be refreshing and enjoyable, including those quiet moments first thing in the morning. 

So today – we have a treat for you! We’re going to talk about CBD tea made with CBD tincture, what that is, and how this refreshing combination will help you win at mornings. 

Today, let’s discover:

  • What is CBD tincture and why should you take it in the morning?
  • How to use a CBD tincture to boost your morning tea
  • CBD recipe for CBD tea and some tea flavor combinations you’ll love


What Is CBD Tincture? – A Quick Overview

CBD is a derivative of the hemp plant, just like other cannabinoids, those fancy terpenes you hear so much abou. The industrial hemp plant has many uses and one of those is CBD.

CBD comes in many forms like CBD tinctures (which are CBD oil drops), CBD softgels, and even CBD gummies. There are lots of ways to get CBD into your system so you can experience the calming, natural support that nature intends.

Perhaps the reason so many people enjoy the benefits of CBD each day is because it works with how our bodies are designed. If you’re feeling a bit “I don’t know” about it all – it may surprise you to know that your body is designed with an Endocannabinoid System, called the ECS, which allows your body to process these cannabinoids. How cool is that?


How CBD Tincture Can Boost Your Morning Routine

CBD tinctures are meant to be taken twice a day. Most people use a CBD tincture to get their daily servings of CBD, which comes in a little bottle with a dropper. You take the serving size by measuring it with the dropper, then squirting it under the tongue, holding for 30 seconds (to allow for sublingual absorption) and then swallowing.

CBD helps you with your overall health and wellness, and helps many people to experience a greater sense of calm throughout their day. CBD is also helpful at bedtime for people who may have a little trouble winding down after their busy and stressful day.

Since our CBD tinctures are so tasty – this is a perfectly fine way to start your morning off right! But a morning tea sounds like so much more fun that simply taking your CBD tinctures, right? Here’s how to turn your CBD tincture routine into a minty morning tea treat for yourself.


How to Make CBD Tea

First, you’ll want to choose a favorite tea for your morning routine. You can use tea bags or brew up a pot of tea with loose tea or even those lovely floral tea blooms.

Tea is made from the leaves of a bush called Camellia sinensis. There are many varieties you may choose from.

  • Black tea: Contains caffeine and antioxidants. It includes English breakfast teas and Earl Grey teas. Most people enjoy the pleasing aroma and smooth taste of a black tea.
  • White tea: White tea is the most delicate of the tea flavors. With less oxidation and processing, this tea offers a little less caffeine than black tea.
  • Oolong tea: Oolong teas are rolled or twisted into shapes that affect the final tea flavor. It is the “artisan” of the teas. Oolong teas have a wide variance of flavors from “light to full bodied, floral to grassy, and sweet to toasty,” according to Teatulia experts, as the preparation of these teas is so widely varied. Caffeine content also varies depending on brand and formula.
  • Green tea: Green tea is the health-whiz of the teas, as people use it for a wide variety of reasons. Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, green tea is a great choice for health-conscious consumers. One high grade green tea is made from grinding the teas into a bright green powder, forming the colorful Matcha teas taking Instagram by storm. Matcha teas are whisked into the steamy water rather than steeped.
  • Floral tea blooms: If you want fragrance, flavor, and a bit of whimsy in your morning, try a floral bloom for your morning tea. The floral bud is placed into the pot of steaming water and allowed to “bloom,” releasing fragrance and flavor as the flower petals unfurl.

Making CBD tea:

We recommend choosing a tea that is mint flavored so that you get a fresh burst of mint with the also mint-flavored CBD oil drops. If you use a tea that does not come in a mint flavor, you can add some fresh ground mint sprinkles to your cup of tea, a candied peppermint, or fresh sprigs of mint that you’ve grown in your herb garden.

Teas that work well with Asé Pure Naturals CBD minty-flavored tinctures

  • Green tea (which has many health benefits!)
  • Tea that is pre-flavored with mint
  • English breakfast
  • Irish breakfast
  • Echinacea tea
  • Earl Grey
  • Floral teas
  • Some black teas have a chocolatey flavor – this sounds delish!


CBD Tea Easy Recipe

Step One:

Brew your tea according to the packaging instructions.

Step Two:

Pour a teacup-full of the steamy tea.

Step Three:

Add your regular serving amount of CBD to your cup of tea, give it a little stir, and enjoy!

Note: Do NOT add the CBD to the entire pot of tea or you would have to drink the whole pot to get your serving of CBD. Add it only to the cup of tea, finish the cup, and do not add the CBD to subsequent cups. 

If you prefer coffee over tea in the mornings (no judgement here), you can also add your CBD serving to your morning cuppa Joe! Follow the same instructions above for making CBD tea.


Thanks for reading today and we can’t wait to hear your favorite CBD tea combinations. Leave your favorites in the comments! Stay tuned to our blog for more great CBD life hacks.

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